Sunday, May 13, 2007

Eurovision, Helsinki.

Last night was the world airing of "Eurovision" a song contest that spans all of Europe. All of the contries have competitions to select a band to send to the Eurovision finals, so think: American Idol but make it Euro Idol with bands. Anyway, so since I've been deprived of TV for the last few weeks, last night I find myself sitting in a hotel room watching Eurovision, completely sucked in. I have been listening to BBC radio 1 for the past week and apparently tons of people across Europe throw Eurovision parties to celebrate this show... With all the hype, I'm sure we'll be hosting an Americanvision in no time. Anyway, the acts were completely hilarious, not in a good way. Most of them were so bad, they were good. The best part was that the British guy who was narrating on our channel was the most cynical guy you've ever met. It was like all the things I was thinking in my head, were coming out of his mouth. A scantily clad girl would come on stage and he'd say something like, "Would someone please tell her to pull her knickers up?" I wish that man could narrate all TV shows. Anyway, my favorite band was the Ukraine, singing "Dancing Lasha Tumbai." The main singer was a cross dresser and the British narrator described him as a "christmas tree wrapped in tin foil." He was great. The whole band was ridiculous. I'm praying that they put up that music video on YouTube, because it was possibly the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. They should have won...

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