Friday, June 20, 2008

HELLO Ladies

In order to keep myself busy and make the most of my time here in the city, I've been waking up earlier than necessary to head to the gym before work. However, I have to admit, my main motivation in going to the gym every morning is their showers. I will not go into detail of the bathroom in my apartment, but it has been an excellent source of motivation to get me out of bed and out on the streets in the morning dressed in athletic gear. Anyway, this is my first real experience with the ways of the ladies locker room. I think the last time that I really had to deal with a locker room was high school gym, but that did not prepare me for what I've been dealing with here.

I really need to find someone who can give me a firm stance on appropriate locker room behavior. Because frankly, I'm shocked. Women somehow seem to lose all sense of modesty when they enter those doors. I won't say that the gym doesn't encourage it, with those itsy bitsy teeny weeny white towels they provide, but lets just say that some of these ladies forgo the towel all together. Now traipsing around naked is one thing, drying your hair naked is one thing, BUT having a conversation while in the nude, WHAT IS THAT?

This morning, as I was getting dressed (carefully maneuvering with that teeny tiny towel) I somehow opened myself up to conversation when the lady next to me commented on the fact that Rihanna was giving a concert for The Today Show. She was standing behind me and said, "I love Rihanna." Intrigued (by my amazing taste in music) I replied (my back to her), "Me too." As she started to say something else, I turned to look at her and yes she was greeting me with nothing. To be honest, I was thrown, mainly because I wasn't sure where to look (up, down, away?). And the worst part was that she was completely comfortable talking to me that way. And now, after all of this, the only thing I can take away from this whole experience is that I no longer "love" or even like Rihanna. I blame her for this whole incident and I regret buying Take a Bow on itunes last week. There I said it.

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