Saturday, March 10, 2007

I saw Harry Potter nakie.

Yes, I went to London not knowing what I was in for. When I requested that we see a show, I was thinking something more along the lines of a Mary Popins, Wicked, or even the odd yet entertaining Blue Man Group... l forgot I was tagging along with the intellectuals for the weekend. Before I knew what I was agreeing to, I had purchased my ten pound ticket to go see Equus. I will spare you the discussion of the overarching themes of the play [they had something to do with the struggle between individual passion and the mundane] and skip to the part where Daniel Radcliffe [aka Harry Potter] strips down to his birthday suit. Yes, that is right. I could literally see the cute quidditch star who I used to imagine wisking me away on his Nimbus 2000 standing right there on stage. Ok I'm obviously way too immature for a twenty one year old, but come on, it was Harry Potter.


Anonymous said...

omg omg omg omg


was he any good at acting?

Chapes said...

Surprisingly he was very good. He definitely made the play.