Sunday, August 24, 2008

Party foolHardy

Last night I was pushed out of the nest. My roommate decided it was time for me to get out of the house and attend a party with my new classmates. Most people don't need prodding to go to a party. I am not most people. The terms of the agreement were as follows: I would go. She would drive and pick me up. I had to stay at least 1 hour.

One hour didn't sound too threatening. But then I arrived. I forgot that when I'm nervous, I tend to talk too much. I thought I'd share what I managed to divulge about myself within the span of a short 60 minutes at a party last night:
1. I am anti-social.
2. I watch Gilmore Girls before I go to bed.
3. I play the biggest brain on Facebook.
4. I like dogs more than children.
5. I'm afraid of decks [with large amounts of people on them] collapsing.
6. I am a nerd who talks about school during parties.
7. I pre-arranged a pick up time of 10:30pm.

I'm sure the list could go on, but you get the gist.

I'm starting to hope that I'm sort of like those movies that are so bad, they're good. Like She's the Man. Maybe I'm so uncool, I'm cool. Is that possible?

Don't answer that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes! you're cool! also, you're not hurley. don't worry about the decks.

david canavan! befriend him!