Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Never Been Kissed

You remember the Drew Barrymore movie where the reporter goes undercover as a high school student to do research for her story... I've decided this plot line accurately describes my attendance at the Jonas Brothers concert on the eve of August 18th; the only difference being I wasn't undercover [it would be hard for me to pull off the 12 year old girl look] and "research" for my blog doesn't sound quite as professional.

Despite these minor differences, I too went back and experienced a youth quite unlike my own. I entered into the lives of teeny boppers obsessed with Disney pop stars,the Jo Bros and girl diva, Demi Lovato. As we pulled into the parking lot, we were immediately surrounded by gaggles of matching puffy paint t-shirts declaring their love for Nick, Joe, and Kevin. And then there was the screaming. Oh the screaming. It was contagious. One girl would start screaming thinking she had spotted a Jo Bro and then everyone around her was screaming, and before I knew it, I was screaming too. I became one of them. It was kind of fun. Oh I forgot to mention that I went to this concert with my mother. I'm not sure she quite knew what she would be in for, but during the concert she actually thanked me for my "uneventful" teenage years.

I went to this concert knowing exactly 3 Jonas Brothers songs. But thanks to the girl in the"Marry me Frankie!" t-shirt, I left with a whole wealth of Jonas Brothers knowledge. [Frankie is the little brother aka "bonus Jonas," in case you were wondering.] And to continue my education, my cousins just lent me the new JB CD. Oh and in case anyone asks, I purchased Camp Rock as "research" into the minds of pre-adolescent girls. Right.

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