Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Great American Road Trip: Day 3

Departing our Arkansas campsite, headed for Southwestern Oklahoma! I actually enjoyed our brief Arkansas home. I slept surprisingly well last night. I think the secret is the colder temperature. I love a cozy sleeping bag in the frigid air. I also found the best and most strategic sleeping spot in the ten: the middle. (Except when it rains because of the leak in the roof that drips dead center...) But here was my logic: I'm sleeping in a tent with two snorers and two rollers. If I put them both on the outside, they'd naturally roll away from me and their snoring would balance itself out.

I was mostly right...about the rolling anyway. I don't think there's a solution to the snoring, other than trying to beat them to sleep, but they both seem to fall asleep within minutes after the tent chatter dies down. For all I know, I could snore too, so I won't complain.

As we are driving right now, I figured out why it is that I love the morning drive so much--the music. Morning time seems to be the only hours of the day when the music is played at a reasonable volume. A time to let my ears recover from the blasts of the previous day. Although yesterday when I was driving with some rap song blasting and the windows down in South Memphis, I did feel pretty baller.

Welcome to Oklahoma. Discover the excellence. Entering Cherokee Nation.

It's been quite an Oklahoma day, starting with a mid-morning stop at a casino right off the main road. Unfortunately we were kicked out soon after entering. I'm not sure how old you have to be to gamble in Oklahoma, but we apparently didn't look that age. The fact that Tyler and I left our IDs in the car probably didn't help.

Next stop--Oklahoma State Capitol building. We enjoyed my delicious sandwiches on a picnic bench out front of the pretty, yet seemingly deserted park out front. Then we managed to navigate to the Oklahoma City Memorial where the Oklahoma City Bombing took place. It was a beautiful memorial with two large gates flanking a big reflecting pool.

Now were' back on the road. (Enrique Iglesias is playing up front. Interesting choice coming from these two. I'm continually surprised.)

Today was amazing. Our campsite is at Quartz Mountain, so immediately upon arrival we grabbed water bottles and head out for a hike! The problem was the "trail" we took didn't exist after 5 feet, so here we are climbing large boulders, just headed in the direction of up. Of course I was freaking out the whole way thinking I was going to either die or be eaten by a rattle snake. However, my biggest injury turned out to be a cactus spike to the finger. The scariest part of the whole adventure turned out to be coming down the mountain. It seemed a whole lot steeper upon our descent, and I pretty much crab walked my way down the entire thing.

After a celebratory walk back to our tent, during which I've never been happier to be alive, we met our campsite neighbors. In the friendliest of chatter, they informed us that our car was about to be towed if we didn't find the ranger and tell her we were planning on camping here tonight... oops! After taking care of those arrangements, we set out for a swim.

Nothing like a brisk dip in the lake! Alright its likes out time in Oklahoma. Sooner to bed, sooner to rise.

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