Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Green Living: Save the Polar Bears

Al Gore is everywhere. Today I went to a class entitled Ecological Thinking and Action in Management...little did I know that I was in store for the class that might as well have been called Inconvenient Truth 2 (and yes, An Inconvenient Truth is on the reading list). I'm actually rather excited about it. How can you not like a class that shows a short clip on the plight of polar bears during the first lecture? That thrilling lecture was hard to top, and after my classes, I made my way down the hill on the "bright orange" bus and decided to wander around an take pictures of the city like a true tourist. As I was weaving through people on the main shopping street however, I decided to hide the evidence and blend in with the rest of the crowd. I've playing a dodging game when walking down that street because there are always people trying to sell you "The Big Issue" and get you to donate to various things. I forgot to mention that I'm horrible at this game. Every time I walk down the street, I seem to be singled out among all of the other people. I even try to keep my head down and quicken my pace, but then they start to call me by names such as "Hey, bag lady!" or my favorite today "Hey, snow white!" due to my large oversized white coat that I'm considering never wearing again due to this nickname. Anyway, its always an adventure...

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