Saturday, July 12, 2008

Escape Routes 101

Lately I've had this feeling inside that I just need to get out of the city. I have these waves that just hit me. So my newest hobby has been to discover what I like to call my "escape routes." It has definitely been a trial and error game. It is quite challenging to trick yourself into thinking you aren't where you are [most of you probably don't have to worry about this as you are quite content with your surroundings]. But for those of you interested in living vicariously through my insane attempts to survive this place, here's a little taste of my worst case scenario survival techniques:

Escape Route #1: Sleep [low success rate]
Last night I put this one to the test. I thought that possibly I could muster some sort of hibernation technique where I slept off the remaining 4 weeks of my summer. Unfortunately my body doesn't agree with the 8pm bedtime that I attempted to enforce. Thus, this technique pretty much backfired. Instead of sleeping away my time, I ended up starting at a ceiling that made hours feel like years. I don't recommend using this escape route unless you are desperate.

Escape Route #2: Central Park [guaranteed success rate]
This is the one place that truly takes you out of the city without actually taking you out of the city. When you are surrounded by green grass, tall trees, bikers, kids, and picnics, its easy to lose yourself. I found that lying down on a blanket, staring up into the blue skies- I could almost lose the scent of the urine smelling streets. The only thing that can pull me away from the park is the lack of public restrooms... and squirrels.

Escape Route #3: Friends who live on the Upper East Side [high to moderate success rate]
Today I went to visit a friend's apartment on the Upper East Side, and I finally got to see how the other half lives. It was like stepping into a piece of heaven. I walked into the building, complete with doorman and elevator, and I didn't even know what to do with myself. I had to check in- can you believe it. I relished in the moment, chatting with the doorman, soaking up every minute of my time in my first viewing of a livable apartment. My friend's room was spacious, bright, cheery- everything I thought New York was devoid of... The only downside of this experience- having to return home to my own "unique" living situation.

Escape Route #4: The Gym [high success rate]
I figure in NY, my body needs as many endorphins as it can possibly produce. So my solution is to go to the gym and run until I'm on the verge of collapse. That way my body becomes too exhausted to worry about my surroundings.

So there you have it. However, in the event that none of these work, the real escape route is fail-safe: the 4 hr bus to D.C. An ideal escape, but getting on the return bus is like leaving behind a cute puppy at the pet store. You can love it and play with it for awhile, but you can't take it back with you.

1 comment:

Emily Elizabeth said...

4 hour bus trip to D.C is def the best escape route :)