Monday, July 14, 2008

Too much green?


As I was waiting to cross the street today, I found myself standing about a foot away from this guy who was blatantly staring at me. The fact that we were so close made it hard to ignore. I turned towards him to give him that "I know that you're staring at me, could you please stop it" look, and surprisingly that prompted this conversation.

Guy: You're wearing a lot of green.
Me: Why yes, I guess I am. [I was wearing a green t-shirt along with my green messenger bag- I think he felt overwhelmed.]
Guy: Are you Irish? [We are crossing the street at this point]
Me: I have a little Irish in me, but no I'm not full blown Irish.
Guy: You look Irish. [I couldn't tell if this was good or bad.]
Me: Well, thanks. [I decided to take it as a complement as I not so subtly turned down the opposite street...]

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