Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Slug and Lettuce

This is perhaps the best name for a bar I have ever encountered. We were studying outside in a lovely park today, unfortunately the weather wasn't so lovely. As much as we tried to ignore it with our sunglasses and flip flops, the wind was cold and kept rustling all our papers. So, when someone mentioned hot chocolate, it was hard to recover any sort of productiveness. After about 50 minutes, we decided that we had ALMOST been studying for an hour, so we deserved a break. This is when I was introduced to the Slug and Lettuce. We went inside and in the front of the bar was a room with that relaxed coffee house atmosphere that I have always dreamed of spending hours in having intellectual conversations. [However, I must point out: 1. I don't like coffee and 2. The most intellectual claim I have is "I read the Washington Post," which really means "I read the comics section"...yes, at age 21. So, I don't know if I will ever graduate to that intellectual level of conversation. Anyway, we decided to order our hot chocolates in shifts to guard our coveted seating. Two of the girls went up to the bar to order their hot chocolates, and came back with barely any whipped cream or well as a pocket full of coins since they had apparently run out of bills. They sat down, a little disappointed, while we went up to order ours. I felt bad [but not too bad] when we came back with the most delicious looking hot chocolates I have ever seen. I'm talking a mountain of whipped cream & marshmellows, drizzled with cocoa powder. And not only that, but somehow miraculously, they gave me back bills as my change. I think that I will have to go back to the good ole' Slug and Lettuce, and maybe wear my glasses next time so I can maybe at least look intellectual while drinking my 'oh so grown up' hot chocolate with marshmellows :)

1 comment:

E Moore said...

hey! too bad they don't have british accents in felicity - otherwise, i would say that you somehow fell into your favorite cancelled show.