Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Pen Pal Experiment

Last semester one of my friends and I decided to be 'pen pals,' well I guess you couldn't call us real pen pals because we email and don't actually use pens, but same concept. Anyway, I've decided that I should enact a pen pal experiment with my brother. First, I should probably tell you that the other night, instead of cramming for my 2 exams the next day, I decided to enlighten my mind and actually read my YES! Attitude book [if you don't know what I am referring to, go back a few posts.] Yes, I know what you're thinking, two self-help books in one week, this girl has gone bonkers. Well, yes I probably have, but in a good way. So I was thinking about some of the negative things I'm always saying, and one of them is that me and my brother NEVER talk apart from when we are trapped in the same house. I don't know how many countless people I've told this to, but I realize now that I've never actually done anything about this understood silence that somehow exists when me and Tyler go our separate ways. So now I'm on a mission to break the barrier. Today I am going to write my first email, and hope that I'm lucky enough to get a response. [Sidenote: My mom writes us all a morning email, and doesn't get any response, so I won't be easily discouraged.] PERSEVERANCE is the name of the game.

PS: I just had to google my own brother to get a picture of him. How sad is that.

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