Monday, May 18, 2009

The Great American Road Trip: Day 4

Goodbye Quartz Mountain! We're on the road again after a somewhat restless sleep. It was one of those nights where I felt like I was awake the entire time just waiting for the sun to come up. And I think we were sleeping on a very noticeable hill, so I kept sliding downwards and had to re-maneuver my position every five minutes.

So today's destination is good ole' New Mexico. Thankfully I talked the boys out of going out of our way to visit some UFO museum, however we are driving without the GPS lady. And without Melanie, these two really could be headed anywhere. They love to tell me they're "winging it." In fact, just as I wrote that last sentence, we had to make a u-turn because we were headed north and not south according to the sun.

Melanie has been replaced by the sun.


"Women." That is the response I get to my pleas for Tyler to slow down. Excuse me if driving over 100 miles per hour scares the hell out of me. We are on some random road in Oklahoma that may or may not lead to 40 West. I'm going to die out here in farm land in the middle of nowhere. This very well could be my last entry. Tell my mom and dad that I love them very much.

Welcome to Texas. Drive friendly- the Texas way.

We are in Texas and I am still alive. Yee haw!

What a beautiful afternoon! Sunny skies all around. Today we made a stop at Palo Duro, which was a state park in Texas with an amazing canyon, which I drove down into! That's right, me, the person afraid of driving steered that Jetta down into a canyon! Once we were down in there, we made PB&Js for lunch to fuel up for our afternoon hike. We followed the Sunflower Trail (on which we saw no sunflowers...) on a nice two mile hike through the canyon. We saw lots of lizards, but to the boys' dismay, no snakes. We also saw an endless supply of teenagers, who must have been let loose from some unchaperoned field trip. They were everywhere and they were annoying. I hope I didn't sound that annoying at that age, but I'm quite sure I did. I feel like that's a sign of getting older when you start to lose touch with your youth and notice the immaturity of those around you.

Wow, I'm 23 and I already sound like a bitter old woman.

Welcome to New Mexico. The State of Enchantment.

I actually have no clue what time it is here, but I've decided 6:37PM is a good estimate. We are currently in the desert of New Mexico at a place called Santa Rosa. It is almost completely deserted here, and I can see why. It's hot and barren--the kind of place where all you can think about is drinking water. My mouth feels dry and I just drank a whole bottle about 10 minutes ago.

When we first got here, we optimistically put on our bathing suits and set off for a lake we saw off in the distance. We took the "Shoreline Trail" thinking it would lead us there. However after a mile of meandering through rocky desert, the lake continued to look miles away. Eventually we just decided that it was a mirage and turned back for the campsite.

I am still wearing my bathing suit and it is starting to depress me. This whole campsite is starting to depress me. I'm not a fan of this intense solitude. Being left alone with just your thoughts is kind of scary. I can understand why Tom Hanks befriended a volleyball.

Maybe I'll make friends with a cactus.

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