Thursday, September 6, 2007

Brain Dump.

I for some reason can't form a coherent blog entry anymore because all of my thoughts seem fragmented and unrelated. So instead of conforming to some 'one theme wonder,' I guess I should just tell it like it is.

1. I feel fake most of the time.
2. I'm still fuming/laughing hysterically about the acapella auditions that were taking place in the room next door to where I was taking my LSAT diagnostic test last night. Not to mention, one of the songs was the Fugee's "Killing Me Softly," which ever since seeing the movie 'About a Boy,' I just can't take seriously.
3. I keep telling myself to drink less soda, but yet I continue to drink it, despite the fact that it causes me to think about 'how badly I have to go to the bathroom' during the whole second half of class rather than whatever important higher learning is going on in the meantime.
4. My women's weight training class is ridiculous. And I have no idea how to use the machines. The only reason I took the class is because I'm too embarassed to even enter the weight room when there are boys in there. I'm so seventh grade.
5. I recently started a book about a guy that interviews all these celebrities, mostly famous musicians, however I don't know who half of them are. But I feel like reading it makes me feel a little cooler. I now know a little something about Metallica.
6. Why the heck is everyone at UVA so intellectual? Why am I not?
7. I'm in a public speaking class, and I have this hope that it will turn me into an amazing crowd pleaser. As highly unlikely as this is, I'm going to continue to live in this fantasy.
8. I find myself looking down on people who can only talk about alcohol related things. I mean overall, who cares about what embarassing thing you did last night. Chances are, we've all done it too.
9. If I get another email telling me to submit my resume, I might scream.
10. Afternoon tea solves all problems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. you are my favorite person ever, actually you are a lot of peoples favorite person ever. you are not fake. and if you are at school sometimes well everytime you feel like you are doing something that isnt " you" STOP. yes seems ridiculous well maybe, but i heard it on the 93.1 the wolf this morning...
2. i would have failed that test even if i knew the material, and that song is hilarious.
3. soda=good. having to go to the bathroom=annoying. dont know what to say about that i have the same problem.
4. ASK who the heck really knows how anyway, and really who is going to care if you ask..if they do. they suck
5. you are hilarious.. and oh im reading special topics right now.. supe dupe
6. oh God. idk but to me you seem VERY intellectual.
7. you are my hero, you dont like public speaking and you are in this class. serious props
8. grrrreat very true.
9. cant help you there/say anything
10. I AGREE. its my favorite chillpill.

thankyou for updating. and sorry this is so long, im avoiding work.