Thursday, April 19, 2007

Bus Etiquette

Ok, as usual I am awkward and today I decided there is a need for some sort of bus etiquette poster to give people like me a little guidence in the ways of the world. Today as I'm coming home from uni, I boarded the bus, which was a little smaller than the "Bright Orange" which I usually ride. I made my way to the back, and realized that there weren't any seats open. I mean there were plenty of seats available, but everyone seemed to be in on some sort of a game to see how subtly they could block other people from sitting down next to them. As I walked down the aisle, I eyed my choices. There was one guy with the newspaper in the seat next to him, another with a backpack, a girl with her hand on the next seat, a guy sitting on the outside seat with his eyes closed (no one ever buys that sleeping gimmick), and then my last option a large guy whos legs took up half the seat next to him. I quickly weighed my options and went for the last guy. In his favor, at least he wasn't taking up the seat next to him on purpose. So I sat down, one cheek on the seat, and waited for the bus to get moving. Then some people I recognized boarded the bus up front in the standing area. You know the people that you say hi to and have side conversations with once and awhile, but not enough to actually know them.

Yes, so I'm sitting there and I don't know whether they see me, and if they do, do they see me looking at them? Am I supposed to wave? If I wave, then what, do I look away after that and avoid eye contact for the duration of the journey? Ok so as all of these questions are going through my mind, I realize now that its too late to wave and that I just have to pretend like I didn't see them. So I spend the 20 minute bus ride staring off into space and looking across the aisle out the window. I'm sure the person on that side of the bus thought I was staring at him for 20 mins, but I figured this was the least of my worries. As the bus finally pulled up to our stop, I realized that the people I had been avoiding eye contact with for the past 20 minutes were getting off at the same stop as me. I slowly made my way out of the bus, and then somehow passed them on the way back to the dorm... Again going with the tactic that it was too late to say hi, and planning that if they said 'hi' I would go with the 'Oh my goodness, I didn't see you guys! How are you?' route. Ok after typing all of this out, I just realized how much of an anti-social loser I am... its surprising that you actually made it this far in reading this. Next time I think I'm just going to say hi right away and avoid this whole thought process.

1 comment:

E Moore said...

FUNNY STORY: i do this all the time. actually, i've done it with people sitting right across the aisle from me. don't worry, no matter how anti-social you are, you forget how much i hate talking to people. awkwarddddd