Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I Lost My Love for Libraries...

Today started out just like any other day. I awoke early to my annoying travel alarm clock, attended all of my classes (a given), and then headed to the library to meet with my group... This is nothing new, my life has consisted of varients of this same schedule since Comm School took over my life. But TODAY was different. I entered the library (the ONLY library on campus...) and decided to wait out in the front main area. While I was standing there, I took a few bites of my sandwich and then saw another girl in my group who joined me and was eating her sandwich as well. Within minutes out of nowhere comes a women dressed in a long brown coat and glasses (she kind of reminded me of Inspector Gadget). At first she says to us, "Would you mind taking your food and drinks into the foyer, we do not allow those in the library." Ok, I sitting there thinking, fine, I don't like what I'm hearing but keep in mind I'm still processing what exactly she is referring to when she says "foyer." Before we can even make a move, she then says, "EXCUSE ME, can you please get that food out of here RIGHT NOW. That is not a 'SAFE' drink and food is ABSOLUTELY not allowed." Well, I think she got her point across. So I threw out my sandwich, and headed upstairs... We couldn't find a table with an outlet right next to it, but we finally found one where we could reach the laptop cord across an aisle, so we settled for it and sat down. Again, within minutes, some guy passes by and tells us for our own good that having a cord go across the floor like that was a hazard and someone might seriously injure themselves. We took that as a "proceed at your own risk" warning, and left the cord plugged in. Another 10 minutes passed and a man walked by and INSISTED we unplug it. Meanwhile, we were probably the only 4 Americans in the room, and we now commanded the attention of the entire 3rd floor of the library. So I can now record that today is the day I lost my love for least this one anyway...


Tyler Davis said...

i would love for a libraian to tell someone in clemons not to eat their delish newcomb take out

Chapes said...

you just reminded me of ice milk. sigh.

Sarah said...

just so you know. i read your blog. and i'm sorry that libraries are not like club clemons where you can literally sit on tables, bring food and sleeping bags, and camp out for a week if you want to.

E Moore said...

that sounds like a horrible awful place. i would never want to be somewhere where food wasn't allowed!

by the way, you haven't posted anything in 6 days. that's almost a week. what's the deal???!

Chapes said...

I know, I really need to catch up my blog... there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day! I will do it SOON.